29 October, 2010
Mario Badescu
Moi: (head whips around in a 'glimmer of hope' knee jerk reaction at the mention of weight loss) Ahhh, no. I've been eating like a pig and my skin's been a nightmare since doing IVF.
Genevieve: Well your face looks really good. Maybe it's that your skin looks really supple.
Moi: dingdingding!!! It must be my new Mario Badescu products! (chorus breaks out) Haaallelujaaah...
I was actually going to wait til I had given the line a legitimate test drive before posting about them but, "supple" was all the ringing endorsement I needed...
Merci Martha and Oprah! Mere minutes after both claiming the line as your fav I had Mario Badescu's skin care analysis questionnaire filled out and samples en route. Now, if I had known the products would also make me appear thinner, it would've been more like mere seconds...
Kindness of my sister Genevieve for using all the best adjectives. I can NOT wait til it's time to wash my supple face again...XXOO
28 October, 2010
The Shingle's Back Up
Yesterday our li'l Prince (pronounced Preeeuuunce) had to be put under for a proper teeth cleaning. Mummy M.D. and Lolly R.N. rehung the shingle and prepared post op care at the beach house during the procedure while Daddy dispensed calls to each of us throughout the morning trying to allay our fears and anxieties...
Everything went very well at the vet but, it takes about 24 hours for the anesthesia to fully wear off. Thus, the Halloween eyes and Floppy Baby Syndrome...Kindness of the other staff at Oceanview Animal Hospital, especially Dr. Brunori, for taking such good care of our li'l patient. Pilgie is thrilled to have reclaimed his celebrikitty status that he once held at his old vet in C'ville. Who said good looks don't open doors? XXOO
27 October, 2010
Double Boilers And Other Life Changing Decisions
I thought I'd go to the Williams-Sonoma site, find my All-Clad component, and report back to the Santas in my life. Little did I know I'd be sweating bullets over all the choices. There's this one...
Or this one with a copper core. But, then if I'm gonna add a li'l copper to the mix...Should I go all the way and add the wee more expensive step sister to my stainless lineup?
After dealing with the double boiler life altering decision for a week now, I logged on again already dreading the outcome of my "All-Clad roasting pan" search. Now, if the choices were just between this one...
But, All-Clad, ya had to go and throw in this additional, sliiightly different, option. Oh my Lord and Taylor! I'm not even a that great of a cook...
Kindness of All-Clad for taking into consideration certain detail oriented Myers-Briggs personality types, such as myself, that loose sleep over such small decisions. We ISFJ's are interested in maintaining order and harmony in every aspect of our lives, including cookware...XXOO
A special merci to Kim Nisbet for adding the "oh my Lord and Taylor" to my repertoire. I am getting mooore mileage outta that phrase...XXOO
26 October, 2010
Club Gypset
Considering my current infatuation with the Mignot sisters of Gypset fame, there's a good chance I'm destined for the later...
They'll find me elbows deep in Hermes bangles and wearing the sisters interpretation of the traditional Mexican wedding dress. Some say wedding dress, I say every day Fenwick Island post P90Xhaustion attire...
Kindness of Jules Reid for turning me on to the Gypset bible. 'Twas kinda like stumbling upon the Dead Sea Scrolls for jet setting Mrs. Roper wannabees...XXOO
25 October, 2010
Now That's What I Call A Goody Bag...
If you swap out the brown loafers for Belgians, her closet could nearly pass for mine...
Kindness of Ali Culver for the idea, the dress AND the paper doll links. Of all the finds you've sent my way Ali this one takes the cake. Dare I say, even trumping the fabulous oyster belt? XXOO
22 October, 2010
Annnd The Rest Of The Wish List Story...
But, if Babe caught me bringing just one more organizational box or basket into our home I'd find myself in divorce court faster than you could say adieuHermesgravytrain...
So, these orange beauties will have to wait til sombody's all curled up in Business Class and crossing into a different time zone...But, I'd give them ALLLLL up for an Omersa leather footstool...
Yup. That long...
Kindness of Let the Tide blog for reminding me of my coveted leather ottoman. Got any tips EAS on how to convince Babe this is what HE wants for Christmas??? XXOO
21 October, 2010
Moi: (breaking out in a full sweat of panic) um, um, um (gulp) Ahhh, it's for the monogrammed bathroom linens I ordered bu..bu..but, theylosttheordersoithasn'tbeenplaced (yet).
Babe: good thing cuz we don't need $$$ in new bathroom linens so just make sure we are credited.
Moi: crickets chipping...
Wellllll, while 'twas true they lost the order, 'twas not true that I had the discipline to not replace it...
But, honor thy husband and all...
Kindness of Babe for not getting mad at us for Towelgate. We really appreciate how hard you work and are only trying to give you some well deserved luxury during your few days home each week. Now. Just imagine yourself wrapped in an Hermes horse blanket while watching Sunday football...XXOO
20 October, 2010
Verticals And Other Sins Of The Beach House
Kindness of a certain Belgian shod gorilla texter who will kindly refrain from sending me pictures of carpet remnants after spying the above photos. You know how I ignore those heinous stains? I walk out my front door and onto the beach...XXOO