When we returned from Breckenridge we were greeted with Lolls giving us the ole squint eye...
I didn't know whether to chalk it up to a lot of I miss my Mommy crying, too long without my thorough bi-daily face washing or her eensie (whispers) birth defect starting to cause problems but, whatever it was earned Cupcake a round trip ticket to the vet in the new Sleepypod whip...
And, if Lolly and I had known our arrival at
Just Cats was going to be greeted by a waiting room full of adoring
Sleepypod fans, we would have at least taken a moment on the elevator to button our cuffs, put on a bit o' lip gloss and slap a patch on that squint...
"Omg, what a nice carrier, who makes that?" But, before I could respond, around the corner came a tech who pointed and said,
"Sleepypod, awesome! We carry those downstairs now." And, as if on cue, a lady exiting an exam room with her kitties gasped,
"That is the nicest carrier. What brand is that? I HAAAVE to have one"
Naturally, I was basking in the glow of all the attention but, the Princess in her carriage was starting to feel like a lone banker walking through the middle of an Occupy Wall Street hacky sack game...
Sooo, out of the frying pan and into the fire we went...
As it turned out,
le squint was due to a eye full of itty bitty hairs resulting from a combination of my suspicions and was easily remedied with an eye flush. We topped that off with a manicure and called our girl's day out a success...
In the meantime, someone has gotten wind of Mommy's upcoming trip to Mexico and launched her own
Occupy Sleepypod AIR campaign.
Ohhh Squinty...
Click here to read "Tips on Choosing a Carrier for Your Pet" written by Lolly's wonderful vet, Dr. Sasha Gibbons...
Kindness of Babe and Pilgie who will take care of my baby's eye and heart while I'm gone or else Mam's gonna need a patch from all her crying...XXOO