Jenny B from Boston generously offered to host a giveaway for this pretty in pink 2012
Sarah Pinto Weekly Planner to whom ever I deem worthy...
I thought it très apropos considering it's that New Year's Resolution time o' year when every one's trying to organize their thoughts and goals...
For as long as I've known him, in the days leading up to New Years Eve, Babe starts working on his resolutions. He takes it all
vuuury seriously...
creating yearly themes...subsections to the theme...oodles of fancy bullet points...and lofty, yet obtainable goals. Meanwhile, I devote about two minutes during my shower to run through a few
thisyearI'mgonna!'s in my head which all pretty much circle back around to me being thin, tan and rich...
Probably explains why
eeevery December, Babe can whip out the previous year's goals and reflect back on how he hit every stinkin' mark and I
STILL don't have long hair or teeter on the verge of anorexia garnering concern from all my
jealous well meaning friends...
thiiis yeeeaaar...I resolve to be more like Babe. I'm going to time box my work, I'm going prioritize even if it means a few things fall by the wayside, I'm going to be,
gulp, nicer,
annnnd I'm going to spend more conservatively
GASP! Well, let's try and take this one month at a time shall we...
Now this is a random tuffie buuut...this first person to correctly guess the writer/actor/funnyman Babe and I sighted walking in the Village last weekend, which, btw, I did not tweet, will walk away with this Sarah Pinto Weekly Planner. I'll give you a hint; he's rolling in it :)
*Every one, including family and bff's, is eligible to play with the exception of Alexandra, who was with us, and Amy, whom I bragged to told...
Kindness of Jenny B from the Bean for hosting this giveaway out of the goodness of her li'l ole preppy heart. Wishing you the very best 2012! XXOO