Kindness of my long lost, sniffle sniffle, BBM buds Kappa Prep and Beantown Prepster for the faaabulous Downton Abbey recommendation. Also, my family for taking such good care of me annnd for turning a blind eye to the amount of biscuits that disappeared...XXOO
28 February, 2011
Turning A Lemon Into Ginger Lemon Cremes
Kindness of my long lost, sniffle sniffle, BBM buds Kappa Prep and Beantown Prepster for the faaabulous Downton Abbey recommendation. Also, my family for taking such good care of me annnd for turning a blind eye to the amount of biscuits that disappeared...XXOO
25 February, 2011
Alex Grant For The Nautical Neck

Kindness of Skip Brooks at Alex Grant for thinking this blog influential enough to announce his foray into the world of fashion design. Annnd, in accordance with our established terms, I'd like my pay in Easter candy. Heavy on the Cadbury Egg...XXOO
24 February, 2011
Like The Swallows Of Capistrano...
The "scout swallows" sent ahead to get the lay of this year's bikini land knew to head directly to Melissa Odabash and secure the season's requisite white number...

I've certainly got my work cut out for me caliper dodging Maxminimus and his Butt Police between now and that fantasy...
Kindness of Babe for his help in narrowing down my options even though I know it was a double edged sword for him; the nice thoughts of me prancing around all bronzed in any one of the above contenders, along with the not so nice thoughts of dollar bills vaporizing from his money clip. Annnd, for knowing a late spring visit to the Pucci store for a couple more bikinis is just an unspoken given...XXOO
23 February, 2011
Bill Cunningham New York
Juuust when my Valentino and September Issue highs have started to fade...

Kindness of my September Issue dates, Amy Fahrenkopf and Alexandra Lee Small, who will be recruited, yet again, for another evening of Five Guys and E Street Cinema cupcake smuggling. Better start working on that St. Regis sweeeet ressie. Ohhh Baaabeee..XXOO
22 February, 2011
A Tote For Each Coast
I still read your blog and look forward to reading first thing in the morning while eating oatmeal at my desk. If you recall I had sent you an e-mail for advice on a vacation and, I did in fact travel on your recommendation and loved my trip to Las Ventanas in Mexico! Since my friend and I are again vacationing together at the end of March, I thought I would ask you and your great taste another question; Our plans are to fly into San Francisco and then 8-10 days later end up in San Diego. Do you have a suggestions on a cute gift for this girls vacation? I would love to get her something that would be useful on our travels. I was thinking maybe a cute boat and tote or a monogrammed koozie! Thanks so much for your help!

Whichever tote may tickle your fancy just make certain to have directions to San Diego's Blue Water Seafood tucked inside. And, puhleeeze, have a fish taco pour moi...
Kindness of Jennifer Dion for the vote of confidence in my tote picking ability. And, Meg Carter for the LouenHide pic text and rec sent from a recent Gift Show. If it's good enough to house Meg's swanky Hermès wallet ya know it's a winner...XXOO
21 February, 2011
Babe In The House
Allie operates like a German rail schedule – predictable and punctual. If a train is late in Germany, check your watch…well, if a morsel is spotted on our counter, clean your glasses. It is not by accident that she has churned out a post at 12:01 am every Monday-Friday for the past 2 years...
If there is one event reminiscent of my weekly departure for the city, it is the changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery. The only difference being the lack of steel-heeled shoes and rifle (substitute suitcase and laptop bag). The "uniform" inspection is just as precise, with frequent infractions for failure to use a lint brush or tie a proper scarf knot. I may have wrinkles and lint on my person during the week but, not on my Sunday afternoon Acela ride...
Kindness of Allie for everything she does for our family. We all appreciate it, even if we may want to go AWOL every now and then.
Annnd kindness of Babe for guest posting and allowing me a lazy Sunday. I'd just like to add that Meredith may be uptight but, she's also extremely well dressed. Ooorah! XXOO
18 February, 2011
Double Delicious, With Potential Double Pay Out
I also took advantage of the purchasing moment to throw one in the cart for myself and signed up for Jessica's Do It Delicious newsletter where she posts cooking videos she makes with her sidekick, and our old G'town neighbor, Aly Wentworth...

Kindness of Hilbils for thoughtfully sending me a pic text to let me know how much she's enjoying her cookbook. Nevermind that it came in as I was sitting down to my FROZEN black bean burger and NO fries dinz...XXOO
17 February, 2011
Five Flicks Picks
I think Please Don't Eat the Daisies with Doris Day is most def due a re watch this weekend...

Shag will have you wanting to push back all the furniture and dance while drinking lose your lunch punch, til ya do...
I recently recommended The Rape of Europa but, I feel obliged to trot it out again. It's the most riveting history on Hitler, World War II and the world's greatest works of art. Also, helped in clearing up my recent foot in mouth question at the Louvre about the hoopla surrounding the Mona Lisa...
Another repeat recommendation offender is Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story. I'm planning on crossing paths with
Kindness of EAS at Let the Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore for the tag. I must add that everything on my list besides the Doris Day and Shag movies are Babe approved flicks. I'm hoping to sell him on those two this weekend. Baptism by force annnd the Chicken Makhani that got postponed due to a certain French leather goods store road trip...XXOO
16 February, 2011
Pay Nooo Attention to That Woman Behind The Curtain...
1. I was sitting on the beach in Naples six years ago dissecting a Gwynnie interview in Vogue when she volunteered her hair care secret, "It doesn't matter if you are pregnant, I swear to God, I have double-processed blond hair, and it’s so long and not damaged. Those New Chapter Prenatal vitamins, they are the trick!”. Annnd, I've been using them since...
2. Theee very first place I run whenever I'm in NYC is the J. Sisters Salon, another GP Vogue rec from the archives, for a world class Brazilian and brow wax. No one compares...
3. A woman first shows signs of aging in her face, neck and back of hands sooo, even though the rest of my body may be soaking up the PTH's, that real estate is always slathered in heavy duty sunscreen...

Kindness of the très talented Patricia at PVE for generously bestowing me with this award. Just remind me to never come out from behind the curtain lest I be striped of my title...XXOO
15 February, 2011
Gone To Ground
Kindness of the bff Kimba and Babe for gently, but firmly, coaxing me back into my workout routine. I think the Butt Police over at Camp Maxminimus had begun to smell Thin Mint blood in the water...XXOO
14 February, 2011
Sure Was A Happy Valentine's Round Here...

Kindness of Babe for being so thoughtful and generous, including postponing your Valentines dinner of Chicken Mahkini, to make the 7 hour roundtrip for my exchanges. I am truly blessed to have you (blood, sweat and all) as my husband. And, Pilgie for his part in luring me to my gifts that morning. Well played you two, veeery well played...XXOO
11 February, 2011
Calling All Gwynnieophiles...

Kindness of the artificial intelligence at Amazon for correctly flagging me as a Gwynnieophile and giving me the proper heads up...XXOO
10 February, 2011
The 86'd Valentine Gift List

Kindness of Babe for taking notice of the above subliminal Hermès plant. Annnd that, my little protégé, is what ya call killing two birds with one scarf...XXOO
09 February, 2011
Et Tu, Brute And Brutessa?

Kindness of Daddy for taking such good care of his Ti-Babes. Mummy said to tell you that the freed up space in the fridge will be filled with a special homemade Valentine's confection as a token of our gratitude and groveling...XXOO