28 June, 2011

Iceee Iceee Baby...

Totally slipped my mind that I was in the market for an ice bucket til the night of Babe's bday soirèe when I found myself scrambling last minute to borrow one from my parents. Sooo, let the pickin' commence...

I've been fantasizing about Indian giving the green Mr. Ice Bucket that I gifted my sister Mandy several summers ago...

The only thing that's kept me from doing so is my indecision between her green and the Tiffany blue...

Then again, my vote could swing the way of the madras Boatman Geller option over at The Preppy Princess which just screams Cocktail Hour!

Like my decision wasn't already difficult enough, I had to go snoopin' around Iomoi to see if they, per chance, had any ice bucket offerings. Boy, did they. Queue up the contenders!

After a sweat breaking narrowing down I'm left with the traditional, likely Babe approved, Lattice Pattern Navy...

The, reminds me of Ralph's signature blue and white porcelain look Floral Starburst French Blue and White...

The moi in one of my beloved Jules Reid Teddies Muffie and Babe James Green...

Or, the très Real Housewives of New Jersey Ralph Lauren Leopard Pattern Luggage? I suspect a text by way of Greenwich narrowing my choices down even further. Me suspects Babe no gonna likey da leopard or him in a pink smoking jacket opts...

Kindness of my own self discipline that will please kick in to keep me from continually returning to the Iomoi site and inflating rather than trimming my choices with the likes of Snake Pattern Blue and Turtle Cay Red...XXOO


  1. Can't ever go wrong with the Mr. ice Bucket Tiffany Blue or Lime Green in my opinion!

  2. Do you have a glass vase, you could always spray paint the inside green!

  3. You should use the 2PreppyGirls monogram decals on these!!! Should be Babe's monogram as the bar holds the man of the houses mono...as I'm sure you know. LOVE!

  4. Not to complicate life for you...but Dabney Lee makes ice buckets that are ADORBS. Similar to some you showed, but maybe less $$$? Who knows...check them out!


  5. Allie,
    Tervis ice buckets (in circle monogram design) are classic.
    Unfortunately, the other ice bucket emblem/design choices are rather cheesy - not as good as tumbler designs.

    Iomoi, SO swell - the navy/white address inside the rope/knot border is quite good looking and cocktail swilling animals are FAB!
    How about that Sandy Cay Navy sample that reads:
    "The Richardsons greenwich connecticut"

    You'll pick the perfect one.....Clink-clink!

  6. Oh for heaven's sakes. It's an ice bucket. Who cares? Buy all of them and then you don't have to make any hard decisions!

  7. Just ordered note cards from IOMOI.... Now thinking I should go back to the website!!

  8. Thank you always Alice for including iomoi! We need to send you a Muffie and James Bucket with a custom Navy Blazer instead of Pink! Will follow up with an email!

