09 November, 2009

The Girl Scouts Got Nuthin On The Berger Cookie

Thursday night, when Julie and I Skyped Emma, we happened to catch her noshing on Berger Cookies that Mandy had sent her (in an obvious vie to unseat moi as favorite aunt!) in a recent care package. That visual was all it took to awaken the Berger beast within us both...

Within 24 hours Julie had hit up the Wine Rack and the Royal Farms Store buying up boxes that lasted us only through Sunday morning when we washed down the remaining crumbs with hot chocolate...

That infamous yellow cake-like cookie...that thick slab of fudge icing...So worth the penance I'm going to have to inflict on myself this week in the form of mileage. Sooo worth it...

ps...Julie likes hers cold from in the fridge and Babe likes his softened in the microwave for seven seconds. I, however, think they're best en masse...

Kindness of my late Nana and Papa for giving us our love of the Baltimore Berger Cookie as children. I will forever think of them when I indulge...XXOO


  1. The berger cookie has not made it to the prairie -- I've never heard nor eaten one! they look yummy, however!

    And sometimes you have to just indulge!

  2. As a Washingtonian, we could only find Berger cookies when we went to the beach in the summer (or when one of my uncles drove through Baltimore on his way to visit). My mother would stock up at the end of August, and do her best to keep one or two (or three or four) boxes in the freezer. Sinking my teeth through the frozen fudge topping makes any night feel like a special occasion. Have you tried the Berger cake? Almost as delicious.

    As an aside, I've tried many times to recreate the Berger cookie at home...with semi-successful results. Luckily, the "mess ups" still taste pretty darn good.

  3. I remember when you could only find Berger cookies at Eddie's Supermarket, Graul's and a few other stores in Baltimore - and of course - Lexington Market!

    I got a California friend hooked on Berger cookies while we were in college - I would bring 6 or so boxes to Connecticut from Baltimore and the California friend would lock herself in her room with a box of Berger cookies and a gallon of milk! I remember buying as many boxes as possible at Eddie's and the clerk would give me really odd looks...what could I be doing with all these cookies at once?

    Berger cookies are my favorite sweet treat!

  4. I have never heard of these - but they look deeeelish!

  5. Ahhh, the ole Berger Cake urban legend...woe to me if this does indeed exist...XXOO

  6. Love, love, love! Can you send me a box?? Oh and some smith island cake too please...hahaha

  7. Berger Cookie Pie at Dangerously Deliciously Pies! And Berger Cakes at Lex Market.

    My sister sent me a package of them when I lived in Wales.

    They're only available in Baltimore and in a few locations.

  8. Dear Allie,
    Definitely must be a Baltimore/Maryland specialty. I am a cookie monster and I have never heard of this type of cookie. Thanks for sharing, Denise

  9. they make me proud to be from baltimore - they are SO good :)

  10. I lived in Baltimore for two years in the nineties and never had a Berger cookie. I feel so cheated!!

  11. Attention out-of-towners- how to order Berger cookies.

    Washingtonians - Wagshaw's carries Berger cookies.

  12. These cookies are the BEST! You can order the holiday tins online and send them as gifts. xx

  13. In a time when everything is a chain and en masse, it's fun to hear about regional/local goodies.

  14. Yummm! Unfortunately, I can no longer indulge, but I'll never forget the taste!

  15. I've never seen these before, they look absolutely delicious! Where do you get them?!

  16. These cookies are delicious and addicting! The Harris Teeter in Bethesda carries them.

  17. What a great resource!
