19 May, 2009

Spring Jewel Cleaning

Every season I like to clean the jewels (term used très loosly) until they sparkle.

I polish all the sterling pieces to within an inch of their lives...

And, gently wash all the gold with warm water, general kitchen soap and a soft brush.

It's unbelievable how filthy everything becomes between cleanings especially watches.

A few very tense moments as le commandant carefully inspects each finished piece...

And, it looks as though the watch is being pulled from the lineup for not passing the white glove inspection.


  1. Perhaps, due to the longer days, more light, it is then that we take note of tarnish and bring on the polish to
    bring out the sparkle.
    You could have another blog devoted to anal allie.

  2. Dear Allie in Gtown,
    What a timely post/reminder. Seems it is time for semi-annual jewelry inspection. Also noted, even your scrub gloves are tres chic. Nice when one takes care with every detail of one's life. Thanks for sharing, Denise

  3. I love cleaning my jewelry I'm obsessed with my ultrasonic jewelry cleaner! I just need a kitty to help me!

  4. Oh, would love for you to do mine!! ;-)

  5. Oh how darling is your fur baby!???? And, the jewels are gorgeous! Xoxo-BLC

    PS: If you want to swing by, I'll fur sit if you clean mine! :)

  6. That last photo is so incredibly cute! Great expression in the previous photo - so serious.

  7. LOL I love your inspection manager...very picky...as he should be. :-) What a precious furbaby! Thanks for the tips on cleaning. :-) Susan
