07 May, 2012

R 'n R Needed

Mama just flew home from Greenville and, since we feel we were jipped of a family weekend, we're salvaging what we can and keeping her to ourselves for the night. We'll let you have her back tomorrow...

Kindness of Babe and the Bips for holding down the fort while I attended Emma's graduation. There is nothing, and i mean NUTHIN', like walking in from a long weekend of travel on bare minimum sleep to a house that's been vacuumed for you. Annnd, you thought Hermès was the key to my heart...XXOO


  1. Love a post all about Babe's vacuuming skills.
    I am sure that there must be an entire game plan devoted to his madness.
    Bippety-boppety boo.
    now a nap for you~ travel is so not glamourous.

  2. Nothing like a freshly vacuumed oriental rug with two beautiful furry, blue eyed t-babes
    on it. Such a sweet picture. Congratulations to Emma.

  3. Congratulations to your niece Emma on graduation from college!

  4. Those 2 crack me up! They totally know how to work the camera :)

  5. It looks like they are still enjoying the Chipotle bag. Sitting in a shopping bag is one of my siamese's favorite hobbies also!
