During the move I found this pic of me, circa maaany years/pounds ago, in the uniform du jour at the time and my very first pair of Belgies...
It just so happens, I have that exact pair of camel leopards currently doing 6 months time and counting in Belgie order purgatory...
And, recently snagged myself a new pair of the same J. Crew black Minnies...
Would you believe I spied the same black stretch perfect shirt at Crew this weekend to boot? Talk about outfit karma. Unfortunately, it's doubled edged outfit karma as I literally just mailed my mom the silk Gucci scarf I'm sportin' in the pic. Good thing I've accumulated a few Hermès stand ins since then. Now, off to light an offering candle in hopes of releasing my leopard Belgies from purgatory...
Kindness of this coming Monday where I get BACK on the ole workout/starvation routine wagon and attempt to resurrect the pic'd bod...XXOO
30 September, 2011
29 September, 2011
In House Call
I don't know if it's due to sinuses, chocolate withdrawal or ole Maxminimus harassing me to constantly make my move on Words With Friends but, I have one wooorld class headache...
And, Lolly, R.N. is sending me to
Kindness of my medical team for knowing when I feel bad and tending to me so well. Now, if they could learn to rub my temples we'd really be in business...XXOO
28 September, 2011
My Gwynnie Bed Has Cometh...
Gwynnie P's bed in her Nashville digs...
Annnd, after weeks of sleeping on the floor, Gwynnie P's stalker's newly arrived bed in G'wich...
Now, moving on to getting the lamps off the floor...
Kindness of Aide-de-Camp Lizzie from The House Downtown for all her help and patience (emphasis on the patience) with my Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Yates/Gwynnie P bed. And, Babe for the LARGEST birthday present I've ever received. Thank you for buying me my bed Dilly...XXOO
Annnd, after weeks of sleeping on the floor, Gwynnie P's stalker's newly arrived bed in G'wich...
Now, moving on to getting the lamps off the floor...
Kindness of Aide-de-Camp Lizzie from The House Downtown for all her help and patience (emphasis on the patience) with my Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Yates/Gwynnie P bed. And, Babe for the LARGEST birthday present I've ever received. Thank you for buying me my bed Dilly...XXOO
27 September, 2011
I know I'm being a total bore these days but, these are the things that have been consuming my time of late. Not stalking the Hermès double tour withthegoldHface watch at Richards, not gallivanting around town in my finest G'wich worthy duds, and def not meeting up with and doing fun things with my local blogger gal pals...
And finding, then lining up, an upholsterer to do the cushions and arms once they're done. But, that's only after I destroy a few more brain cells deciding which of the two fabrics my other Boo at Polo sent I prefer and ordering the yardage needed. See, total throw on the same old khakis, polos, hair in a pony kinda stuff. Babe may think he's spending out the wazoo pulling the place together but, little does he know he's saving a small FOR-toon in clothes and Hermès trinkets...
Kindness of everyone for allowing me another week or so of boring. Hard to write anything exciting when your day consisted of waaay too much time spent in the light bulb isle at Home Depot debating wattage's for each light fixture like you were constructing a model...XXOO
26 September, 2011
Lolly In The Dog Cat House
He said the minute she left to "run errands" and didn't ask him to tag along, his radar went up...
But, Daddy, we neeeeded those Simon Pearce Nantucket Hurricanes for our new demi-lune table in the electrical outletless entry...
Kindness of Lollycakes for taking one for the team...XXOO
23 September, 2011
Save The Date
Time to face the no beach music. Yesterday was officially the last day of summer. Sob...
So, I've packed up my summer Lilly jammies...
And, unpacked my shudder winter ones...
I think it's time to seriously consider this invite to Lilly Pulitzer's 80th Birthday Brunch in Delray, Florida benefiting the Museum of Lifestyle & Fashion History...
And, I've got juuust the dress in mind for this li'l shindig. The Florida sun kissed skin will be courtesy of my fashionably early by a few days arrival. Summer Lilly jammies in tow...
Kindness of the Birthday Brunch Committee for sending the invitation my way annnd for the kind personal message about my blog. Now, anyone there got any pull locating me that darn Seamus Multi Dripping in Jewels dress in a size 6 from last season??? XXOO
22 September, 2011
Hermès Take Me Away...
I've spent all day hunched over in a crawl space trying to organize storage bins on all fours and I've got another full day of it on deck for tomorrow...
I think hobbit labor like that deserves a li'l recognition. A li'l medium size, black with gold recognition s'il vous plait...
Kindness of the weekend that can't get here soon enough. I may even suggest a train ride into the city for something juicy at Peter Luger. Something juicy could lead to something click-clacky...XXOO
21 September, 2011
Mr. Rogers Goes Cashmere

Kindness of Lady Elaine Fairchild for taking the heat should Trolley's package be intercepted...XXOO
20 September, 2011
Singed By The Hermès Sun
Like Icarus, I flew too close to the Hermès sun and got singed by Babe's hot lamps...
Kindness of Babe who forgives easily. And Moi, who will remember that a debriefing is requisite before Amy and I cocktail together anywhere in the vicinity of Detective First Grade Babe...XXOO
19 September, 2011
Big Girl Lipstick
When I met Amy at the Saks Chanel counter on Saturday morn, me - shlumpin' in khaki shorts, sandals, wet hair, chin covered in moving zits, she - Burberry barn jacketed, coiffed, flawless skinned, I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore Toto...
Kindness of Amy for the Chanel Rouge Coco Shine lipstick in Bonheur rec. I looove it. It's found a place of prominence right next to my zit drying lotion on the vanity. Also, for her Barney's Denim Bar suggestion which I later referred to, and was politely corrected, as the jean counter. Like I said, loooong way from Kansas...XXOO
16 September, 2011
Salt Therapy Needed
Babe loooves to compare me with the world's largest particle accelerator in Switzerland. Like the infamous LHC, I am capable of performing at the highest-energy intensity but, if ooooone weensie bolt, or magnet is disrupted the entire system shuts down. Just the mere threat of change to my routine and I fold like a house o' cards...
I came thiiis close to holding it together through the move but, right now this house o' cards looks more like 52 pick up. And, since there are no immediate trips to the beach planned, and I haven't worked out all week, I think my salt therapy's gonna come in the form of my 7:30pm margarita date with Amy. Mucho salt por favor! I'll save the tears for Babe. He's been expecting them...
Kindness of anyone around the new hood for not judging the half bottle of Mario Badescu Drying Lotion I have on my face every time I walk out the door. And, the Butt Police for allowing me this extended week of probation. I prooomise come Monday it's back ON the workout wagon and back OFF the Tate's Chocolate Chip Cookies...XXOO

Kindness of anyone around the new hood for not judging the half bottle of Mario Badescu Drying Lotion I have on my face every time I walk out the door. And, the Butt Police for allowing me this extended week of probation. I prooomise come Monday it's back ON the workout wagon and back OFF the Tate's Chocolate Chip Cookies...XXOO
15 September, 2011
My Pet Rock

Kindness of Ali, Gracie and Holland for sharing their beach rock art with Lolly and me. I already have my Montauk rock find queued up for next year's summer project. And, for everyone else for not pointing out the obvious. It's quite evident that my squashed dream of being a Lilly Pulitzer fit model is now keeping company with the one of my being a Lilly Pulitzer illustrator...XXOO
14 September, 2011
Schoolboy Blazer Makeover
*FYI...Crew's Schoolboy Blazer has two front and three working sleeve buttons. Since my vintage haul only has a total of four sleeve buttons, I plan on leaving the spot closest to each wrist empty. No biggie since I probably wouldn't button those buttons even if I had them. All the better to eventually spy the Hermès double tour H face watch at Richard's I've been losing sleep over...
Kindness of Patsy for sharing her fashionably clever idea with Moi. This ranks right up there with the epiphany I had to have the Cobbler saw off a pair of tart height sparkly stilettos to a more Allie friendly kitten heel...XXOO
Kindness of Patsy for sharing her fashionably clever idea with Moi. This ranks right up there with the epiphany I had to have the Cobbler saw off a pair of tart height sparkly stilettos to a more Allie friendly kitten heel...XXOO
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