30 April, 2010

Caroline Grace Arm Candy And Discount Mania

I'm friends with Caroline Grace on Facebook and everyday she posts a different pic of her gorgeous cuffs...

And, I end up liking each one more than the last...

So much so, that I have never gotten around to ordering one cuz I get exhausted trying to narrow down my choice...

Just when I'm thinking this is the one cuz it'll be perf for the 4th with red and navy Belgians and my summer whites...

There's another beauty winking at me on my next breeze through Facebook...

Well...I'll tell you what helped me finally make my decision lickity split annnd toss in these pink Lucite filigree Flora Chandelier earrings to boot; 25% off that's what!

Caroline Grace and Lori Driver at Shopaholic in Alabama have teamed up to offer 25% off your order now through May 2nd when you follow the instructions explained in the post...

Good luck trying to pick just one...

Also coming in under the discount wire is Ledbury with an offer of free shipping through today. Can I tell you how much Babe loves his Ledbury's? There just may be an addition to the growing collection awaiting his return home from a 100 plus hour work week...

And, Sunday's theee last day using "pinkandgreen" will get you $20 off each pair of Stephen Bonanno sandals ordered. Remember, I won't be here tomorrow to remind y'all so, get ordering today...

(flashing neon lights)Preppy Cards, Preppy Cards!!! Last day, last day!!!

Kindness of Caroline Grace, Ledbury, Stephen Bonanno and Preppy Cards for their generous discounts this week. Also, the bff Kimba who is still shackled by her vow of no shopping for a year and, although tortured by my posts, tunes in daily. Just remember, there's a Rolex at the end of that onlyeightmonthsleft tunnel...XXOO

29 April, 2010

Scouting Therapy Continued...

Enough of the boys. Lookie what I found in my scouting expedition for us girls...

Y'all know I rarely peeled CK Bradley's Tenley Shirt off my back last summer so, I was beyond thrilled when this landed in my inbox yesterday. But, which one? Green is my fav color (cue theme song from The Apprentice) but, the one I have from last year is predominately green. Sooo, should I go with Island Bluebell or Moroccan Purple? Or Island Navy? EMMMMMAAAAA....

Also making a reappearance is the Tory Burch Tumbled Leather Reva in the much coveted orange. But, the Magenta and Bleach colors are also vying for my attention. Emma and I may have to double team this purchase...

My sister Mandy and I used to collect Tretorns like we collected Jacques Cohen espadrilles; had to have every color. All that's missing are the pom pom socklets and my old metabolism...

Hopsy and her friend Cassie have a lineup of handmade aprons up on their newly established Etsy site. Perf for Mother's Day. Dibbies on the pink and green one, to me from Pilge...

Stumbled upon these shwanky Lilly champers flutes over at Anne Lake's and I must have them. In fact, I'll take a case please. Ohhh Pilgie...

These belts fell into my lap after Rosie Campbell left several comments on my blog. I may be slow on the uptake at times Rosie but, eventually my radar kicks in, takes me by the hand and leads me to the pot gold...

And the best find of all, my new crush Edward. That face...

Kindness of Babe who was in the office til 5:30am yesterday. Don't break out in a nervous sweat my sleep deprived husband. None of these items are rolling around in the back of an UPS truck yet. Scouts honor...XXOO

Not to beat a dead horse but...you only have til Saturday to utilize your "pinkandgreen" code and receive $20 off each pair of Stephen Bonanno sandals ordered. So get shopping!

What? I can't be the only one getting in trouble for purchases. Misery loves company...

28 April, 2010

Scouting Therapy

I've been trying to keep my mind busy and my butt outta the pantry so I've been nosing around bloggerville and have managed to bring home a few finds to help ya'll get a jump start on your Father's Day shopping...

First stop was ole Maxminusabelt's where, besides finding out I've been bestowed the two additional monikers of "AllievonDropShip" and "AllievonSneakitHome", I found a treasure trove of authentic bleeding madras...

I'll just have to make sure, that when we meet Master Max in Old Town for a cocktail this summer, he and Josh aren't both dressed as competing tablecloths...

He also had a link to blast from the past Boast polo shirts. This one's for moi!

Now, I honestly can't recall where I stumbled across this company a couple of weeks ago but, I did manage to tuck Collared Greens away for a rainy day and, voila it's raining. Besides having great loot their products are all produced in an "environmentally-sensitive manner". Win win...

Now, poor Lumina Clothing Company has sent me a few emails over the past couple months but, I'm afraid they got dismissed strictly from bloated inbox syndrome...

Sorry Lumina but, I placing the blame with Babe. If he wasn't always bugging me to "time box" everything I wouldn't get sloppy and start cutting corners with a trigger happy "delete" finger...

But, all's well that ends well cuz I finally did stop to look and I see a promising future for us and Babe's tie rack...

And, what about Royal Highnies for 400 thread count boxer shorts?

I may have to get some of these for Babe just so I can sub out my Nike running shorts for them during in house P90Xhaustion workouts!

Kindness of Babe who has been in the office every night til 3am for weeks on end working like mad so I can wile my days licking my wounds and cyber scouting. Pilgie and I are counting down the days til you come home...XXOO

This one's for the ladies who only deserve a lil sumptin sumptin for themselves after all this shopping for the men. Don't forget to put "pinkandgreen" in the notes section or mention it when you call to receive $20 off each pair ordered. I say "each" cuz we're waiting on a shipment of four here for that's how we roll with our Bonanno's at the beach house...

And, a gentle reminder that you only have two days left to utilize your Preppy Cards 20% discount when entering "summer is a verb" at checkout. Two days!!!

27 April, 2010

Goodbye My Friend, Til We Meet Again In September

Only three more days til glorious oyster season officially draws to a close...

So when my parents called to invite me over for a last hoorah, I dropped the diet pretense and was at their door before you could say Jack Rabbit...

It was a five courser but, I only had eyes for courses two and three, the Oysters Medford and the fried oysters...

And, when Garden and Gun magazine lauded Ed's Red "the best oyster condiment they've ever tasted" my friend Stephanie, of Meg Carter fame, knew exactly who to alert. It may sit unopened for the next four months but, come September I'll be ready...

And, much love to Ali Culver for this gorgeous find...

If ever there was a more perfect belt...

Orrr, a smidge more expensive sterling version of the perfect belt. Decisions, decisions...

Kindness of Ali Culver for knowing exactly what a gal needs to tide her over through the R-less months...XXOO

Lest anyone forget...use the code "pinkandgreen" in the notes section to receive $20 off each pair of Stephen Bonanno sandals ordered during the Spring Sale this week...

Annnd...only three days left to utilize the "summerisaverb" 20% off discount on your Preppy Cards order.

26 April, 2010

The Blues

We're still nursing broken hearts over here but, are determined to keep it together til Babe returns again for the weekend...

Fortunately, there are a couple of nice sales to keep Pilgie and I distracted and, hopefully a smidge less likely to wile away our days huffing Templeton's grey wool mouse. Stephen Bonanno is hosting their Annual Spring Sale and offering $20 off each pair ordered when the code "pinkandgreen" is entered in the questions/notes box. Platinum on platinum combo here I come...

This is also the final week for 20% off all Preppy Cards orders when entering "summer is a verb" in the special instructions. Red Gucci loafer mailing labels, CHECK!

I may have to turn to the hard stuff to assuage my misery though. Jessica from The Love List sent an appropriate Rx my way in the form of the Fendi baguette needlepoint kit...

A purchase of this magnitude could quite possibly result in an early reunion with my beloved Templeton though cuz Babe would kill me. Ahhh...a girl can always obsess...

Kindness of Babe who had to shelf his own grief in order to take care of his distraught family all weekend. He produced presents, funny movies and junk food galore. He massaged, consoled, forfeited sleep and even physically threw himself on the remote control when he caught me about to watch an Oprah piece on the slaughter of dolphins thus, averting a disaster of epic portions. Hurry home to us Babe...XXOO

23 April, 2010

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love...

So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart....

David M. Romano 1993

Kindness of everyone who has loved our precious Templeton. He will be missed beyond measure...XXOO

22 April, 2010

Cooler Envy

Last weekend was Emma's KA Formal in Charleston and tradition holds that the boys pay for everything and the girl's only responsibility, besides looking pretty and preppy, is gifting their dates with custom painted coolers...

When Emma Skyped us with her work in progress my jaw dropped...

Hey, that's MY dream life missy!

I want to go to Formals in Charleston and Savannah...

I want in on the show stopping cooler painting...

I want to be decked in Milly and Lilly and shagging up a storm...

And, while you're at it, I'll also take those private shag lessons down by the lake with Sally Atwater and her Carolina Shag bloodline self...

If the whole "using a friend's father's private jet for Formal" campaign had been a success I don't think I could have contained myself...

In my next life, when I return as Gwyneth Paltrow, I'm packing my Tod's bags and my paints and heading South!

Til then Em Becks...I've got a little Hermes beach towel "painting project" awaiting your arrival home.

Kindness of Adelaide, Emma and Pam for sharing their to die for cooler works of art with me. Sharing? Orrr, taunting? Hmmm...XXOO